Because Altadena is all of us.

We are forming a tenants union for Altadena because we have lived here, we still live here, and we will live here in the future.

Right now, many of us have lost our homes, others have been forced out due to unsafe conditions, and, on top of all that, we’ve been made to feel that we – as renters – don’t exist or that our concerns are not valid.

Tenants unions exist because it is never easy to be a renter, and in extreme circumstances like ours, that is especially true.

More is coming soon on this website - in the meantime, please scroll down to sign up for our email newsletter, which will be the quickest way to get information and resources.

The ATU Tenants Guide

In the aftermath of the Eaton Fire, Altadena renters are all too familiar with the challenges we are up against.

The intention of this guide is to lay out the landscape of current laws, information and resources, and suggestion for how to navigate challenges as an Altadena renter, both post-fire and always. We hope that this guide is helpful; we are very open to feedback for how we can make it better. We also want to hear your stories to keep learning more about what is and isn’t working for Altadena renters.

Please note that this is a living document that will continue to be changed/edited/added to as we continue to get more information about renters’ rights and best practices for dealing with challenges.

This document was not written by lawyers and is not a substitute for legal advice. Information about how and where to find legal support is included in this guide. Lastly, ATU would like to thank  the Pasadena Tenants Union whose outstanding guide for fire-impacted tenants was the inspiration for this guide. 

Conditions are changing quickly and we want to keep you informed.

The best way to get the latest information is to sign up for our email newsletter:

Contact Us

Having trouble with your landlord, or have other tenant questions? Contact us with this form and we will do our best to help! You can also email us anytime at

(A reminder that all of us are volunteers who have lost our homes and/or are displaced, too, so please be patient; we are doing our best!)